Posted by Adam and Nicole

Oh were to start. After 2 years of being manhandled by the worst company in business today I have finally given up the ghost on Qwest's so called "Spirit of Service." My story starts when I made the mistake of going with the CHEAPER internet. Little did I know is cheaper meant screw up my bill for 1 year, tell me it's my fault, shut off my internet on accident when they thought I hadn't paid my bill, lie to me over the phone, try to charge me $300 when I canceled for a contract I never signed and then claim they took care of me. I wont go into much more detail for time sake and for fear of dropping the F-bomb. Some people make goals to lose weight, stop smoking or even show more love. Well I have decided to do just that. I am going to show Qwest the love they showed me, because they deserve at least that much. Please comment to this post about your nightmarish experiences with Qwest and lets do our part. Please forward my Blog to anyone you know to spread the word that cheaper always means just that. Cheaper service, cheaper care, cheaper concern and cheaper support. Lets put the mud back in the swine pit.

This entry was posted on Thursday, February 4, 2010 at 7:00 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Have you ever heard of the phrase..."you get what you pay for" and perhaps the other phrase "listen to your elders" Qwest has sucked the squishy banana since inception. The only good thing about this is that you now know what 68% of the population already knew. Qwest should have changed their tag line to "Bucket of Piss" years ago. Hey now you have Cox and they just started to suck in the last three years ;-)

February 4, 2010 at 7:31 PM

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